
Oct 10, 2009

Hannah Zakari Designer Feature

About Hannah Zakari:

I've been running Hannah Zakari since 2004 when I started nearly full time crafting making my own line of jewellery and bags. Not long after I launched the website I decided to start stocking other indie designers that were hard to get hold of within the UK and things kind of spiralled from there. Now I stock over 40 designers and makers in the shop from all over the world and am always on the look out for exciting and interesting new things.


I really love what I do for a living so it's not hard to keep inspired. As a crafter I'm inspired by a beautiful gemstone or a cute piece of fabric, as a shop owner I'm driven to keep the shop fresh and interesting - I love showcasing products that customers might not have seen before.

Best Sellers:

There's such a huge range of styles available on Hannah Zakari and so many are one of a kind that it's very hard to pick a true best selling item or one piece that sums the site up perfectly. I'm choosing a bracelet by Eclectic Shock as not only has this designer been super popular lately, but the way she mixes her components to create something so beautiful and quirky is kind of what I aim for on HZ.

We Make Christmas:

On the Hannah Zakari We Make Christmas stall you can expect to see as much indie crafty quirky goodness as I can fit on the table! A lot of the designers I stock are exclusive to HZ within the UK so there'll be lots of unique items you won't find elsewhere and the range will include stationery, art, jewellery and bags.

You’re Sites:

You can always find me online at


  1. Your stall is going to be a lot to live up to..!

    I feel my inner magpie stirring..!

  2. fluffsstuffsOctober 28, 2009

    yay cant wait to see you there st the fair again.Better bring lots of the bunny vases i think they will be a hit!
