
Nov 14, 2009

Beeb Design Designer Feature

About Beeb Design:

My name is Bess Harding, I live in London and I make dolls, soft toy characters and do illustrations under my label beeb. I started out making bags and selling them to friends when I was at school, and have been designing and making all sorts of things ever since. At the moment I have a day job in a graphic design agency, but hope to make “beeb design” a full time concern in the not too distant future!


I love the satisfaction and sense of achievement that comes with creating things and bringing ideas to life. I always feel fired up with inspiration after a visit to an art gallery, or when flicking through my scrapbook. I daydream a lot…

Best Sellers:

My beeb bear has been my best selling character so far. I originally made a one-off as a baby shower present for my sister last year, then decided to make more and they’ve been really popular. I think this might partly be because of their ageless appeal, they’ve been bought for babies right through to grown ups!

We Make Christmas:

I’m really looking forward to the Christmas fair! I’ll be selling my usual range of fabric dolls, paper dolls, peg dolls, flattie dolls and beeb bears as well as some special peg angels, fabric Christmas tree decorations, and possibly some artwork/cards/prints.


My website/blog is at and my Etsy shop is at