
May 19, 2010

Working 5 to 9 By Emma Jones

We are very pleased that we have been included in a brand new book that was launched last week. Working 5 to 9 - how to start a successful business in your spare time, is a very useful and informative book.
Author Emma Jones profiles 60 people who have successfully set up a business in their spare time. Two of our previous stall holders are amoungst the profiled 5 to 9ers. Dolapo from UrbanKnit and Claire from Miso Funky

The book also offers detailed infomation on registering for tax, sales and marketing, networking, creating a online presence for your new company, and lots more. Each area is filled with useful sites and organisations that can help you through every step in creating a successful business in your spare time.

As the We Make team are all 5 to 9ers we found this book interesting and useful.
So if you are thinking of setting up your own business but work full time then get yourself a copy of Emma's working 5 to 9

Emma has put together 8 steps to becoming a 5 to 9'er

There are over 5 million people doing it and now a book is launched to help
many more follow in their footsteps. We're talking about 'Working 5 to 9'
which involves holding down a day job and building a business at nights and
weekends. The book's author, Emma Jones, offers 8 steps showing how you can
do the same.

Don't give up the day job (just yet) start by 'Working 5 to 9'

If you are in a job but not sure for how much longer, or wanting to turn a
skill/hobby/passion into a way of making some extra cash, then you're a
perfect candidate for becoming a 5 to 9'er. This is the name I apply to the
millions of entrepreneurial people who are employee/Mum/student by day and
working on building a business, in their spare time. It's a great way to
become your own boss as you give yourself time to build confidence - and the
all-important cashflow. Here's how to get started:

. 1. Find an idea - in the book I offer 50 ideas for businesses you
can start in your spare time and they range from book publisher to personal
trainer, toymaker to rare breed pig farmer, and all else in between. Come up
with an idea that is a) connected to your hobby/passion/skill or b) fills a
gap in the market or c) is something you see someone else doing and think
you can do better yourself.

. 2. Make a plan - with your idea in mind, make a plan. It only need
cover 4 pages or so to include your idea, how you're going to promote the
business, ways of getting your product or service to market and the
financials that show a profit at the end of the day. There's a template in
the book for a basic business plan that will help you draft this.

. 3. Promote thyself! - promote the business and watch sales roll in.
Issue a press release, host an event, enter an Award and have profiles on
well populated platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Your
marketing will set you up as an expert in your field, and in the book I show
how you can do this without spending a single penny.

. 4. Make the most of technology - the book carries a good number of
tips on this topic. Have the business work whilst you're at work with a
website that attracts an audience and makes it clear and easy to buy. Time
is your most important asset when Working 5 to 9 so make the most of it by
using web based email systems, time tracking software and Sky + to ensure
you catch up with all your favourite shows!

. 5. Create space - have space in the house that is reserved as your
office/work area and adorn it with furnishings and items that increase
productivity; a vision board, decent sound system, and a sturdy desk and

. 6. Tell the boss - so long as you're not doing anything that is in
competition to your day job (and out of all the 60 profiled 5 to 9'ers in my
book, not one of them was) then it is wise to tell your boss you're earning
outside office hours. In the book I outline how to go about this
conversation and conclude that most employers see Working 5 to 9 as a good
thing as you are gaining new skills, with the employer realising the
benefits, without having to pay for the training.

. 7. Tell the taxman - we have a duty to inform the tax man of
activities within three months of trading. Registration is straightforward
and the book will guide you if you're at the point of considering whether
you should set up as a sole trader, partnership or limited company. It also
shows how to keep the tax bill as low as possible by claiming business and
homeworking expenses.

. 8. Do what you do best and outsource the rest - a strategy that
applies throughout your business life, from starting up to growing into a
full time venture. Stick to the activity you know best and get help from
others in areas such as accounting, admin, sales, fulfilment, PR and
marketing. Keep in touch with partners using free or low-cost tools such as
Basecamp, Huddle, Glasscubes or Tinychat and the business will run smoothly,
and profitably.

As well as 50 ideas for businesses you can start in your spare time, the
book profiles 60 successful 5 to 9'ers. All of them speak about how exciting
(and busy!) life has become since they started their part time venture; I
hope you will read their stories and be inspired - and then take the tips
and advice to become your own boss, in your own time.

Visit to learn more about 'Working 5 to 9 - how to
start a successful business in your spare time'

Emma Jones is founder of Enterprise Nation, a business expert, and author of
'Spare Room Start Up' and 'Working 5 to 9'

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