
Nov 1, 2010

Polka Dot Sundays Designer Feature:

About Polka Dot Sundays:

I studied Fine Art and decided, upon graduating, that I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do but whatever it was, it had to involve making things.

A couple of years later, I was working as prop maker for a children’s TV programme. We played around with card and newspaper all day…it was a hard life. The majority of the props were made from newspaper and old packaging. I loved how accessible and recyclable the materials were...

I started making things for myself about three years ago. I moved to London and no longer worked as a prop maker, so the need to make things bubbled up inside me until one day I set it free… and made a paper monkey.

All my animals are made using the same technique I learnt all those years ago: newspaper, scrunched up, manipulated and held together with Sellotape.


I love trying to make something that has character and humour.
Animals are naturally funny and can be simplified easily, so are a reoccurring theme in my work.

I’m influenced by interiors, trends and patterns. If I see something interesting to me, I’ll think of a way to recreate it with a colourful twist.

Best Sellers:

The monkeys always get an amused reaction from people. Everyone loves a monkey right?

We Make Christmas:

Every polkadotsunday piece is original and unique, so there will be lots of new stuff at the Christmas fair. More monkeys, birds, giraffes in different patterns as well as some new creatures I’ve been working on recently…like Mr Snail.

I’ll also be working on some bigger, stand out pieces as well as variations on the classic wall swallows…

There may even be some festively themed birdies..!


1 comment:

  1. Nice swallows! I look forward to seeing your stall at the fair. Just found you on etsy, lovely stuff.
    All the best
    London Clay Birds
