
Mar 28, 2013

Craft Candy App Launch

We were very excited to be invited along to the Craft Candy App Launch last night and even more excited about the App. It's a fantastic App for finding markets/events and workshops in your local area. Here is our event on there:

Here is some information on Craft Candy and the App:

Make do and mend has just become a whole lot easier

This spring sees the exciting new launch of the brand ‘Craft Candy’, a website and accompanying App for the iPhone and Android market. Craft Candy is the first of its kind, a specialist craft listing website with an accompanying GPS based App making it a whole lot easier for people to find craft related workshops and events.

How does it work? Simple. Like many listing websites Craft Candy lists course, workshops and markets, but unlike other websites Craft Candy is only for the craft industry. The Craft Candy team have worked hard to embrace and integrate with social media, using tools which work best within the craft industry, namely, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and more. By connecting with people directly through social media, it is easier for people to find out what they need to know instantly, whether that be where a local knitting group is based, where they can buy haberdashery, or even what craft markets are on at the weekend; the Craft Candy team are available to help.

For Craft Candy the real icing on the cake lies in the App. Next year the Smartphone market is predicted to outgrow the use of desktop computers and excitingly the Craft Candy’s new platforms offer a GPS location based App. In simple terms, it means you can stand anywhere, click the App and find out what is going on from markets, to workshops or local clubs near to where you are based, the App supplies a map and directions to the event. The App offers both convenience to the user and a simple way to be found for the businesses registered with Craft Candy.

The Craft Candy service is open to all size businesses and enterprises to use. However, Craft Candy team understand first hand the stresses which can occur when running a small or start-up business. Craft Candy has positioned itself as a marketing tool particularly accessible to small and medium sized businesses, with no long term contracts and simple pay as you go marketing packages, the emphasis of each advertising package it to drive traffic back to the businesses’ websites.

Community falls at the heart of what the Craft Candy team do. The founder, Zoe Arch, is based in London and found it incredibly hard to find anything remotely crafty based near to where she lived. Finally, with
perseverance (and a lot of Google searching) she managed to find local resources and now wants to make it easier for you, by launching a free listing option available to local community groups, charities, clubs or markets. Zoe’s motto is “if you don’t charge to enter or take part, we won’t charge you”. The hope is that the Craft Candy website and App become a one stop shop and is accessible to all from the end user to the businesses and community groups.

Download onto Android 
Download from the App store via your iPhone

Mar 21, 2013

We Make London at Camden Lock Market 5th April 2013

The We Make London team are busy preparing for our first week at Camden Lock Market.

As part of a ongoing partnership with Camden Lock we are very excited to be setting up a special Handmade market in the Middle Yard of the famous Camden Lock Market.

We will be there the first and third Friday of every month from April to September 2013.

Here is an exciting preview of the designers showcasing at the first week on the 5th April 2013.

  • Dionne Sylvester

  • Once Upon a Time

Mar 19, 2013

School for Creative Startups: The Startup Showcase

We will be visiting the School for Creative Startups Showcase event this weekend at Somerset House. 
There will be some of our favorite designers their including Holly Francesca, Ali Miller, Hunted and Stuffed, Julia Pharo Jewellery, Lady go Red, Tobyboo and the fantastic This Is You Kingdom. 

There are also some fantastic workshops with lots of useful information for Creative Businesses. 

The Startup Showcase is a two day creative festival like no other on March 23-24 at Somerset House, featuring a pop-up marketplace with over 100 creative businesses showcasing the hottest new products and services of 2013. When you've shopped until your hearts content, take a break at one of dozens of inspiring talks covering need to know topics for any aspiring creative entrepreneur or get your hands dirty at the hands on workshop of your choosing. 

Event Information:
Ticket Purchase:

You can follow School For Creative Startups on: