Yelp is thrilled to be partnering with We Make and OfCabbages and Kings to provide you with the best local reviews, written by real people in the know. Grabbing a cuppa the morning of? Seeking a crafty cocktail? Use Yelp to uncover the all the hot spots around Stokie and beyond, or share some local knowledge of your own!
Yelp will be at the fair handing out special Yelp Bags.
But what is Yelp?
Yelp is a community of real people writing real reviews that has quickly become London’s go-to online resource for trusted and honest opinions. Think of it as word of mouth amplified. Yelpers are social monsters who share their inside knowledge about the local places they love such as restaurants, nightlife, boutiques, doctors, gyms, and just about every other local business and service. Basically, Yelp is the fun and easy way to find, review and talk about what's great — and not so great — in your world.
Sounds awesome! Just what We Make London needs!
Cool! Sounds like a great promotional partnership to me :-)
Em ♥
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